CBS Roscommon is committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of its students through physical activity. A programme of Physical Education is provided for all year groups.
PE is mandatory for all junior cycle and Transition Year students in CBS Roscommon. First years and TY’s are timetabled for a double period of PE each week, with 2nd and 3rd years given a single period.
PE is a vital part of the curriculum that challenges students physically and cognitively. It forms an important part of the holistic development of the students at CBS Roscommon. Research has shown that participation in physical activity during adolescence leads to much more positive physical activity and health outcomes as adults. In addition physical activity has been shown as an effective tool in the management of stress and in the improvement of concentration levels. Hence PE is included as a compulsory segment of the curriculum.
Participation Policy
- Participation in PE is compulsory for all students.
- Students are expected to apply themselves to the best of their ability.
- All students should arrive with suitable PE gear [see note below].
- In the event of a student not being able to participate due to illness or injury, parents are expected to inform the PE teacher of such through the appropriate “Note to PE/Games teacher” section of the student journal.
- Long term absence from PE should be excused through a medical certificate from a GP/Physiotherapist to be given to the Principal and PE teacher
- In the event of a minor injury, the PE teacher will modify the lesson where possible to allow such a student to participate.
- Should a student not participate in PE without an appropriate note the PE teacher will sanction the student by administering written work to be completed in class.
- Repeated violations of the participation policy will be dealt with in accordance with the schools code of behaviour and discipline procedures.
PE Clothing / Equipment
- Students are required to change from their school uniform into appropriate sports clothing for PE class. This should include runners/football boots, track suit bottoms/ shorts and a T shirt/Sports top. This is to encourage good hygiene and to ensure best safety practice while participating in PE.
- Students without appropriate clothing will not be permitted to partake in PE and will be dealt with in accordance to the participation policy above.
- Due to CBS Roscommon not having an indoor sports facility, quite often students are required to do PE outside and in inclement weather conditions. Students are required to have the appropriate clothing to deal with wet and/or cold conditions.
Differentiated Learning & Participation by Students with Special Educational Needs
All teachers are informed of students with special educational needs at the start of the academic year. The PE teacher will be invited to contribute to the formation of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) where appropriate. Students with co-ordination and physical difficulties, such as dyspraxia, may be accessed for coordination skills and a differentiated PE programme devised, if necessary. Any such assessment is subject to parental consent.
The PE class at CBS Roscommon is an inclusive environment, and every effort will be made by the PE teacher and school management to accommodate and integrate students with varying levels of ability including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
In the case of students with SEN, the PE teacher will adapt games and activities and also use the resource of a Special Needs Assistant (where applicable to an individual student) to ensure that they take as full a part as possible within class.
Where it is not possible to integrate a student fully into a particular activity, that student will then be encouraged to assist where possible and to observe and learn various tactical and skill components of the activity. This helps to ensure that each student has a role to play within the PE lesson.
Changing Room Policy
High standards of behaviour are expected from students within the changing areas and all the rules contained within the CBS Roscommon Code of Behaviour and Anti-bullying procedures apply.
The PE teacher will not enter the students changing area unless:
(a) The teacher feels that there has been a breach of the school rules resulting in a compromise of student safety and/or dignity;
(b) School or students equipment is being damaged;
(c) A student requires first aid.
Use of mobile phones, cameras or any other recording equipment is strictly prohibited within the changing rooms and any student caught doing so with me dealt with in accordance with the schools disciplinary procedures [See Mobile Phone Policy and Code of Behaviour].