CBS Roscommon Transition Year Admissions Policy
Transition Year is a valuable educational experience for most students.  As it is an optional Year, Transition Year students need to be suitable for the programme in order to benefit from and contribute to the shared learning experience of the group.   The maximum number of available places will be dependent upon staffing, facilities and resources and will be determined annually by the Board of Management.
The Board of Management of CBS Roscommon wishes to make the Transition Year programme available to students who would like to avail of a sixth Year of second level education and who are deemed suitable due to the active and responsible nature of the activities provided during the year.  
For acceptance on to the Transition Year Programme, the school must be of the opinion that a student is capable of benefiting from participation in Transition Year and, equally, that his participation will not prevent any other student(s) from benefiting from participation. Any decision in this regard will be taken by the Transition Year Admissions Committee, following consultation with the student’s teachers, the student and the parents of the student concerned.
This is subject to the maximum number of students who can be accommodated in any year, which is normally 24 subject to DES allocations and the capacity of the school.  Students should have the Junior Certificate Cycle or equivalent completed.
The following information lays out the application procedure for a place in Transition Year:
Application Procedures

    1. Early in the Third year, the Programme Co-ordinator will visit all Third year classes. He will make it clear to all prospective applicants that knowledge of, research into and preparation for Transition Year, as evidenced in the application process, will be critical factors in gaining entry to the programme. Similarly, attendance, application and attitude to work and behaviour will be important factors.


    1. During the Second Term, the Programme Co-ordinator will give a formal presentation on the Transition Year Programme to third year students during school time. The qualities and disposition essential for successful participation in Transition Year will again be fully outlined to students at this presentation.  A formal evening presentation will be delivered to parents/guardians of third year students interested in applying for a place on the programme.


    1. Students apply for a place on a formal application form, witnessed by their parent(s)/guardian(s). A Personal Statement must accompany each application. This Personal Statement will outline some research into the Transition Year Programme and state clearly the reasons why they are applying for a place.

It will also outline the commitment that they will give if they are offered and accept a place. It will be impressed upon applicants that this is a critical factor in the application process.

    1. The final submission date for applications will be 3.30pm on the second Friday in March. Valid applications will be date-stamped on submission.


    1. The first moiety of the Transition Year Fee, currently €150 (See Paragraph below) must accompany each application.


    1. Applications will be considered valid only if they are fully completed and submitted to the School Secretary within the specified deadline (3.30pm on the second Friday in March) and if accompanied by the Personal Statement and the first moiety of the Transition Year fee (currently €150.00). Applications will be date-stamped only when considered valid.


    1. Any application received subsequent to the stated deadline (3.30pm on the second Friday in March) will be considered only after students whose applications were submitted on time have been processed.

The Transition Year Admissions Committee:
2.1 The T.Y. Admissions Committee will be responsible for assessing applications and offering places. The committee will comprise of the Programme Coordinator (chairman), Principal/Deputy-Principal and Guidance Counsellor or a nominee of the Principal to replace one of the above who may be unavailable due to illness or other circumstances.
2.2 Members of the teaching staff will be advised of the list of applicants, and will be invited to offer professional advice and judgements in writing to the T.Y. Admissions Committee within a time schedule specified by the Programme Coordinator.
2.3 The criteria outlined in 1.1(above), the Application Form, the Personal Statement and the Professional Advice and Judgements of the teaching staff will be critical factors in determining a student’s admission on to the Transition Year Programme.
2.4 The Transition Year Admissions Committee reserves the right to interview students in relation to their applications and their suitability for participation.
2.5The Transition Year Admissions Committee reserves the right to interview the parents of students in relation to the students’ applications and their suitability for participation.

  1. Offer & Acceptance of Places

3.1 Places will be offered in writing to successful applicants within 10 school days of completion of the application process. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed in writing within the same time frame and will be advised of their right to appeal the decision initially to the Principal and subsequently to the Board of Management, if unhappy with the result of the initial appeal (See Section 6, below).
3.2 Students accepting a place must complete and return the Acceptance Form within the date specified, along with the second moiety of the Transition Year fee, currently €150.00. This form must be signed by the applicant and witnessed by a parent/guardian. Failure to return the acceptance form to the school administration office within the specified time frame will result in the place being forfeited.
At this stage, the student and his parent(s)/guardian(s) are expected to give an undertaking to arrange a community care placement and work-experience placements for the specified periods during the academic year. They will be expected to present definite proposals in writing in relation to these placements.

  1. External Applications

Any application to transfer to CBS Roscommon from another school will be considered strictly under the terms of the school’s Admissions Policy in relation to such transfers.
Should places be available, applications from external candidates will be considered by the Transition Year Admissions Committee only after the `Offer and Acceptance of Places` process for internal candidates has been completed.

  1. Programme Fees

The Programme Fee set annually by the Board of Management is intended to assist in defraying costs associated with the various activities and courses fundamental to the programme. This is currently €300.00 and is payable in two moieties (1.6 and 3.2 above).

  1. Appeals

In the case of a student who is not offered a place by the T.Y. Admissions’ Committee, an appeal may be made in writing to the Principal within 10 school days of the date places were offered. The appeal will be heard within 10 school days of receipt of the appeal.
In the case of a student who is not offered a place by the Principal on appeal, a subsequent appeal may be made in writing to the Board of Management within 10 school days of the date on which the Principal issues his written decision. The appeal will be heard by the Board of Management at the next scheduled meeting.

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