In recent years, the use of mobile phones has caused significant disruption in classrooms. In addition to this, the use of camera phones potentially present very serious harassment, bullying and invasion of privacy issues. As a result, the use of mobile phones on the school premises is forbidden at all times. If a student is found using a mobile phone, the phone will be confiscated. It must be given to the teacher on request and it will be left in the Principal/Deputy Principal office.
a) Where a student brings a mobile to school, the phone must be switched off during the school day from 9am- 3.30pm and may not be used for any purpose on the school premises.
b) Students found in contravention of (a) will have their phone and sim card confiscated for the day and the parent/guardian will collect the phone at the end of this period. On the 2nd and every subsequent occasion the phone and sim card will be confiscated for one week and parent/guardian will collect phone.
c) When a student’s phone is confiscated the parent/guardian will be contacted before the end of the school day to notify them that their son has had his phone confiscated. Should a student use his mobile to call, text or communicate, he will also be sanctioned with a
d) Students participating in school related activities (e.g. Study, Extra Curricular Activities, School Trips, Tours etc) must abide by the mobile phone rules governing these activities.
e) No photographs may be taken or recordings, (video or audio) made with mobile phones.
Using phones in such a way can seriously infringe on people’s rights. Appropriate sanctions will be imposed.
f) Incidents where students use mobile phone to bully other students will be treated as serious breaches of discipline. It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person. As such, the school may consider it appropriate to involve the Gardai in such incidents.
g) The school accepts no responsibility for replacing lost, stolen or damaged phones. The safety and security of mobile phones is wholly a matter for students/parents.
h) It is strongly advised that students mark their mobile phones with their names and use passwords to ensure that unauthorised phone calls or tests cannot be made on their phones
iPads may only be used for educational purposes as directed by a teacher. The uploading, downloading or existence of inappropriate material at any time will be regarded as a serious breach of school rules. The use of an iPad as a camera or video/voice recorder or to play games is strictly forbidden. Breaches of any of these rules may result in suspension or referral to the Board of Management who may impose more serious sanctions up to and including expulsion.