Our school crest represents the values of the CBS Roscommon, and serves as a daily reminder of the strength of our heritage and the power of our abilities.
The phrase ‘facere et docere’ means ‘to do and to teach’. It represents excellence in teaching and learning. In the CBS Roscommon, we aim to be positive role models for our students through respect, inclusion and compassion in our daily work.
The crown, the cross and the bible all symbolise our faith-based heritage. We operate under the Edmund Rice schools charter and we aim to nurture faith and spirituality in a caring, inclusive atmosphere.
The image of the oak branch symbolises the virtues of strength and solidity. It also represents growth in our students, and their journey towards becoming inspiring, transformational leaders.
The torch represents the enlightenment of our students in education, and equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate their path in life.
The phrase Semper Vera Loqui means ‘Always Speak the Truth’ and is a reminder that we need to always act with honesty and integrity, and stand up for what we truly believe to be right.
Overall, our crest stands for respect, integrity and learning in a caring Christian environment.